Daily Archives: April 19, 2007

Welcome to live.laugh.love.

Malia pictureSo here it is, our new blog! I’m really excited about it. It’s been fun getting it set up and figuring out what we want to do with it.

You’ll pretty much be hearing from me the same way you did at the old place. The most significant change to my writing will be that I’m going to attempt to do a weekly post about marriage matters. It is my dream to eventually go back to school, get my masters in Marriage and Family Therapy and start working in that field. So I’ve decided that I’m going to explore different aspects of marriage and post about them here.

Our premier feature will be a “He Said/She Said” post where we individually tackle the same topic and see what the results are!

The other change you’ll see is in how we refer to the children. Since I’m leaving the old blog behind, I thought it would be appropos to give them new names. Henceforth they shall be called: JBelle and The GMan.

And of course the biggest change is the addition of David! Let’s see what he has to say about all of this…..

.David picture

So, how do you like my ear?  Is this really my good side?  Do I even have a good side?  Thank you for letting me get a word in edgewise Malicious, er, I mean Malia.  I apologize upfront to you all for having to put up with my posts in the midst of reading the eloquence that is my wife.  The nice thing is you can click on that button that says “By Malia” over there on the right side…no, a little higher….yeah right there, and you won’t have to wade through my tripe….mmm, tripe.  Yes, I recycle jokes until they are not funny to me anymore.  It’s my one vice.

We had trouble coming up with a name for this blog.  We thought of calling it “The Fresh Bowl” or “Malicious and Delicious” or “Pater and Mater Familias” but we finally settled on the highly descriptive “live.laugh.love” because that is how we learned to write in the Virginia public school system, with periods.between.each.word.  Or perhaps it was just me who did that.  I learned to start sentences with conjunctions too.  And to include sentences in paragraphs that have nothing to do with the theme.  And I always wondered why I got C+ on all of my AP English papers.

Anyway, enjoy skipping everything I write so that you can read Malia.  Really, go ahead, I won’t even notice.


Filed under by DB, by Malia

starting fresh but with some continuity

Malia pictureI wasn’t going to have any posts from the old blog here at the new blog. Then on Monday, a very tragic event took place at our alma mater and I blogged about it, at the old blog. It was cathartic and helped me cope on Monday and Tuesday. And since I imagine those events will come up again in the days and weeks ahead of us, I wanted to have those posts here for the sake of continuity. But everything else will be archived…eventually. Once I get that done, I’ll delete the old blog.

I like a fresh start.


Filed under by Malia